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You are Only As Good As Your Last Training Session | CoachUp Success Story

A CoachUp story about coach Vasili and his client Nick, how much Nick has improved in soccer by taking private training sessions with his CoachUp coach.

Vasili Uspensky: He already came with a pretty good, uh, I guess foundation of play and ability. And honestly as a coach, personally I’ve seen Nick’s, I guess Nick’s feet get better. His technique has gotten better, more consistent, and I love watching him stop shots, that’s one of his, one of his biggest strengths, I think. It’s a venue where I can take my experience as a player, you know, all the many mistakes, all the many hard lessons that you get, as a player, you know, over many years. I get to impart my, my wisdom [laughing], if you can call it that. Uh, to players that I work with. That experience, that trial and error, is one of the biggest benefits to private coaching, because then, when I see a player making a mistake that I made, you know, a hundred times during my development as a player, I can say hey, you need to change this, you need to tweak that a little bit and that’s gonna save you a lot of heartache. Nick’s father: I feel that currently he’s kind of at the top tier of his age group and doesn’t get a lot of private attention. I mean I can see the progress Nick’s made. I don’t think he would be as far along as he is now without the private coaching he’s received. Vasili: You know, like Vince Lombardi said, you’re only as good as your last game, uh so, you’re only as good as your last training session, but I can certainly say that, from what I’ve seen, I don’t doubt that success will be in Nick’s future.

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