What’s it Like Playing for Your Dad?

I have been coaching my kids for almost 10 years now. I started by coaching my daughter, then as my sons grew to the age where they could play sports I began coaching them. It’s been a great experience, and I couldn’t imagine it any other way. I’ve thought about, and wrote about, what it’s like coaching my kids. However, I don’t think too often about how it is for them playing for their dad. I’m sure if they answered the question, “what is it like playing for your dad?” I’d get some eye-opening answers. Hopefully, at the end of it all it’s as fun and rewarding for them as it is for me.

A friend of mine, Erik Deckers, had the chance to interview Graham Rahal, an IndyCar driver. Graham happens to race for the the team his Indy 500 winning dad, Bobby Rahal, owns. He takes playing for your dad to a new level, as he actually works for his dad. Check out the video below of Graham talking their father-son relationship and his experience working for him.


What do you think your kids would say about playing or working for you?

 Jackie Bledsoe Jr. is a writer, blogger, speaker, husband and sports parent of three. He’s played sports for more than 30 years, including the collegiate level, while coaching youth sports for the past nine years. He’s the author of The Family Leader Manifesto. and March DADness.   

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