Great Habits To Improve Setting Ability

Undeniably, setting in volleyball can be one of the most difficult motions to master, thanks to it’s very nuanced approach and difficulty, but with loads of practice and the proper technique, the sky is your limit! Many people believe that settling is a fluid, anything goes type of skill, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. For the best success in volleyball, try taking a streamlined, focused effort towards being as uniform and fundamentally sound as possible. If that worries you, then stop! It’s your lucky day because CoachUp is here with some basic tips to get started. Take them with you to crush your setting game to another level.

Always square up to the outside

Typically, athletes will square in any direction or angle, but try not to! Even if you’re setting with the right side behind you, have your hips pointed to a target area on the left side of the court. This will help get you in a constant rhythm and balance if you do this every time you set. Think of it similarly to a batting stance in baseball — you don’t step in and do something different than the last time, right? No! The same applies here — practicing good habits and muscle memory will have you setting more accurately and consistently. Additionally, this will add an element of deception to your game by keeping the defense guessing on potential hit location.

Take the ball off your forehead

A common mistake new setters make is to set off their nose, chin, or head. Every time you go to set, move your feet to a balanced, study position, hitting from the same spot every time. People often wonder why this matters so much, but your hand-eye coordination is much sharper and accurate near your eyes, simply put. Once you start hitting below your nose or above your head, your depth perception comes into play. It will, inevitably, make the set more difficult, so why do it? Make things as consistently easy as possible! Remember, if you were to miss the ball, it should hit you in the forehead.

Finish with your right foot forward

Your last two steps to the ball should be with your left and then your right. This is most important at the net, but get in the habit of doing it wherever you are on the court. With your right foot forward, you will be able to stay square to the outside and not run the risk of over-squaring and setting the ball over the net. Again, this goes back to your cadence, rhythm, and ultimate balance. The more consistent your movements are in set-up, the more you can focus on the execution.

Be the hardest worker on the court

Believe it or not, this isn’t just a cliché! Your team will respect if you go hard after every pass. In turn, your teammates will try even harder to get every ball, as well! By working hard in practice you will extend your range, ability, and belief in yourself! Soon enough, you’ll be able to get to balls you never thought you could!

(Related: Read about the standing float serve here.)

Huddle Up 

These are just a few tips for setters, so know that you can always improve your game by getting reps in, working with different coaches, giving everything you’ve got in practice, and playing as much as possible. It may sound corny, but you’ll be as good as you allow yourself to be. Practice good habits and there will be no stopping you! However, if you’re still struggling some of these concepts or would like additional guidance, consider booking one of CoachUp’s private trainers to help you out. Our vast, expansive, and knowledgable team will have you setting with confidence in no time! What are you waiting for?

Be prepared for the biggest moments by mastering the small ones off the court. 

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