
Three Tips for Coaching Youth Sports

When I coach youth athletes, my goal is to always be the mentor I wish I had when I made my first steps on a field. Be knowledgeable, reliable, energetic and inspirational. For me being a coach is more than a hobby, it’s a career. Many former players and parents jump into coaching with very little educational background and experience regarding teaching sports. 

Every year, parents invest more money into the youth sports industry, and expectations grow higher for coaches. Whether you are thinking about getting started in coaching, or hiring a private coach for your kids, here are the three biggest aspects of the job to consider before hand.

What are the biggest keys to success in coaching youth sports?

  1. Coaching education
    The main ways to improve your coaching skills are studying and accumulating experience. Train different ages, learn about the different needs for each age group. Invest in licenses and mentorships.
  2. Accountability
    Be clear with expectations both with your athletes and their parents. Lead by example, show up on time for sessions, over-deliver a great service. You must be a solid resource for your players. 
  3. Energy
    The main reason why children play sports is for the fun and joy they experience while playing. Create games and challenges within training sessions. It will spike the energy of the kids and it will help develop their competitive spirit.

Not everyone has the time to gather a legitimate coaching education prior to coaching a season of youth sports. However, when considering the amount of investment you make as a parent, it is critical to explore all of your options when hiring a private coach for your kid. Whether you are getting into coaching or looking to hire one, accountability and energy are absolute non-negotiables. preparing yourself to coach, and doing the proper amount of research prior to hiring a private coach are both major keys to the success of your athletes.

coaching youth sports

Gold-level CoachUp soccer coach Mirko Trapletti is based out of Kansas City, Missouri, and offers a one of a kind perspective on strength and conditioning training. His education and experience separate him as a coach, and offer his athletes the best chance at success! Check out his coaching profile here and book a session with him tomorrow!

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