Whether you have just begun training or you have been playing professional tennis your entire life, mastering the technique of the tennis volley is a very important aspect of a tennis players game. Once a player is able to hit a forehand and backhand groundstroke, tennis coaches focus on moving their player to the net and teaching them the technique of the tennis volley. The tennis volley is usually hit midway in the air when a player is approaching the net. Moving into net can be a very effective play for dominating the tennis court and changing up your game.
- When positioning yourself to hit a powerful volley, it is important to focus on where in the court you are standing. You want to make sure you are standing between the middle of the service box and halfway close to the net when you are executing your volley. Stand with your feet shoulder length apart and keep your body loose for any type of shot that comes to you, whether it is a low or high volley. In terms of the distance between the body and the ball, the higher the ball is the further away from the body the contact should be.
Holding the Racquet:
- Volleys are hit with underspin with a grip that is continental. For more information on what a continental grip is, you can check out our resource for holding the racquet correctly. Make sure the heel of your hand is even with the handle, and that you have a loose enough grip on the racquet. Choke up on the grip, and move your hand up the shaft of the racquet. Hold your racquet in the position where the racquet is in front of your left shoulder, so you are prepared to hit either a forehand or backhand volley without tension.
Executing the volley:
- When the ball comes onto your side of the court, it is important to remember that you do not have too much tension when holding the racquet. The tennis volley is based on touch, not on force. Imagine that you want to catch the ball on the racquet, and then push it with a bit of slice across the court. Stay nice and low, and make sure to have proper footwork.
- When executing your backhand volley, use your other hand and extend it back to balance yourself while you step forward into the shot. After hitting the shot, recover back to your ready position.
- Make sure you are not using a backswing when hitting both your forehand and backhand volleys.
- Focus on where you are placing each volley so that you can have your opponent scrambling to return the ball.
- Anticipate where the ball is going to come to your racquet, and have a quick response time to catch every ball.
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