Tag: Track + Field


Long Jump Technique

The long jump is a difficult event that requires highly skilled athletes to combine strength, speed, and technique into brilliant split-second performances. However, it’s not

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speed is a skill that must be developed

Sprinting Mechanics + Technique

Simply put, speed is critical for any sprinter, duh, right? However, what people don’t often understand are the immense benefits of training for speed improvement.

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Other Sports

Learning About The Hammer Toss

There isn’t much love for the hammer toss these days, especially at the high school level. In fact, based on a **[New York Times](http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/23/sports/us-track-and-field-championships-hammer-throw-becomes-a-mystery.html?_r=0)** article

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track and field training - patience leads to results
Other Sports

Hurdle Training for Kids

If you are a youth runner who is interested in hurdling, there are several ways you can start training. Before learning proper hurdling technique, it

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Javelin Throwing Technique

Throwing the javelin takes practice. When you are starting out, it is important to get your javelin throwing technique correct in order to avoid injury.

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