The Squash Showdown: Sweet or Spaghetti?

Squash Through The Years

Here in New England, we have a long-standing traditional of squash as it’s become a necessary staple at any and all feasts. In 1621, when the first Thanksgiving took place, squash was a key component of many of those early recipes. Today, it remains one of the pillars of all holiday feasts, but we’re here to dispel any thoughts of its tasty functionality ending there.

In my family, squash is still, of course, a major part of our Thanksgiving tradition, but it is also an essential vegetable that we keep in the house for all sorts of non-holiday meals. The best part about squash is that there are endless varieties and so many great ways to prepare it! Below are two CoachUp-approved squash recipes that are sure to win over the room, no matter what time of year it is.

Be sure to settle our debate and let us know which squash recipe is your favorite!

Roasted Spaghetti Squash

The Roasted Spaghetti Squash may seem like a wild idea to you and, in fact, it may be the first time you’re ever hearing of such a dish. However, let me reassure you, squash in this form is a treat worth waiting for. Once heated, it’ll bring out the natural sugars in the squash and, as many people are aware, can even be used as a pasta substitute. Feel free to use this as part of your main dish or as a side for your next barbecue — either way, we promise it’ll be a hit!


  • 4-5 pounds of spaghetti squash
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt + pepper to taste

Preparing Spaghetti Squash

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees

2. Cut the squash in half lengthwise and thoroughly clean the inside, removing all the seeds and the fibrous inner bits

3. Generously lather the clean inside with olive oil and salt and pepper

4. Place prepared squash into a pyrex baking dish cut side up

5. Add water to the dish so that the bottom half of the squash is submerged

6. Then, cover the dish with baking foil

7. Bake 30 to 45 minutes or until tender enough for a fork

8. Remove from oven and allow the squash to cool for 5 minutes

9. Use a fork to remove the flesh of the squash and, of course, it will resemble strands of spaghetti!

Brown Sugar Acorn Squash

Up next is our Brown Sugar Acorn Squash! Even for your family’s most picky eater, this recipe is sure to make believers out of the simplest tastes. All you’ll need to do is take some sweet squash and add butter and brown sugar — so what’s not to love? We promise, you’ll be able to use this easy recipe and win your next holiday in-kitchen competition — and best of all? It’s healthy, so what are you waiting for?


  • 2 medium acorn squash
  • 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter, softened
  • 2-4 tablespoons of brown sugar depending on desired sweetness
  • Salt + pepper to taste

Preparing Acorn Squash

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees

2. Cut the squash in half and thoroughly clean inside, removing seeds and stringy bits

3. Arrange squash on prepared baking sheet, with the cut side up

4. Divide the butter, sugar, and salt + pepper evenly between the four halves, covering the cut side and cavity

5. Bake the squash in the oven for 45 minutes or until it’s tender for easy eating!

Huddle Up!

As always, the CoachUp office is divided on which squash method is best and neither side is backing down. Weigh in on the debate and let us know which recipe you prefer! Either way, whichever recipe you prefer, you’re sure to become everybody’s favorite relative or cook for bring the tastiest, easiest, and healthiest dish at your next party!

For more incredible easy recipes, download CoachUp’s Cookbook and start eating!

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