Running and Building Muscle: 5 Tips for Doing Both Simultaneously

Everyone knows that running is a cardiovascular exercise, beneficial for both your general fitness and burning off calories. However, many folks overlook the fact that building muscle can be accomplished through running as well. As a matter of fact, coaches often design programs exclusively to help athletes build muscle mass by running. Incorporating a few strengthening techniques into your routine will deliver quality results.

Follow these running tips to strengthen your legs and build muscle

1. Change the intensity of your runs

Incorporate interval training as a part of your routine by adding planned sprint bursts to the mix. Take a shorter route than you normally would and run a scheduled cycle of sprints and jogs. Sprint for a minute and jog for three — adjust times for your desired intensity level, and push yourself to see how long you can maintain this mix. Sprinting works fast twitch muscle fibers and will increase overall size. If you are in the gym, most treadmills have an interval setting on them.

2. Run at an incline

If you are outside, find a running route with lots of hills. Try sprinting up the hills and jogging down. The hills provide a greater amount of strain on your leg muscles and will build them faster than if you were running on a flat surface.

3. Incorporate weight lifting or resistance bands

Not only will this speed up the muscle building process, but the strengthened muscles will help protect your knees from the repeated impact they experience when running.

4. Be sure to rest

Especially if you are doing interval training! Your body needs time to recover. You can remain active while you recover by walking, biking, or swimming, but be sure to allow your leg muscles a chance to relax when training them intensely.

5. Get enough protein in your diet.

Chicken, fish, and egg whites are all packed with protein. Combining the proper nutrition with your running and workouts is necessary to maximize your results.

There are plenty of time-consuming leg workouts that require weights and machines. If you love running and also want to build up your leg muscles, follow these tips, and you won’t need anything other than your track shoes.

running coach

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  1. Training for over a year, I specialize in the 100 and 200-meter completion for the 2025 Senior Olympics and need a trainer and enter the completions in the Northwest.

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