Happy Embrace between coach and athlete

NIL: Benefits of Coaching

Coaching is one of the most valuable experiences that an athlete can have throughout their time in sport. Not only are coaches able to play and teach the sport that they are passionate about, but they are able to utilize and build skills that will hugely benefit them as they progress through their career, business, and character development. As current or former NCAA athletes, your unique experience in sport is characterized by intense competition and training alongside physical and mental skills that other athletes might not have acquired yet. Thus, the information that you can pass along to youth and fellow athletes holds immense power and impact on the advancement of sport. There are numerous skills that coaching allows you to build and practice as you work with athletes. Here are just a few: 

Presenting Challenging Concepts

Coaching all of you to be more comfortable working with people in a variety of settings. For the most part, coaching will come easy to you since it’s second nature. However, it isn’t always easy to present certain skills or concepts to younger athletes. Thus, coaching allows you to practice and explain sometimes challenging information to individuals in an understandable and concise manner. This will be essential in your future workplace environments where you will need to present information to coworkers, potential clients, and other companies. 

Creative Thinking

At CoachUp, you will be working with numerous clients, all coming from different backgrounds. With this, different people have different ways of learning new information, implementing skills, and interacting with others. Thus, you will be able to think creatively to figure out the best way to coach and relay information to your athletes just as you will be doing with co-workers and clients as you forward your career! 

Time Management

As an NCAA student-athlete, we know that you have admirable time management skills that have led you to success, both academically, athletically, and socially. By incorporating coaching into your life, you will learn how to balance school, sport, and business before you graduate and advance your career. At CoachUp, we allow you to coach as your schedule permits and take on as many clients as you can in a given moment. 

Establish Your Own Small Business

Being a coach on CoachUp can allow you to develop and manage your own brand through a coaching business. Whether or not you continue to coach when you graduate college, CoachUp allows you to set your hours, manage your finances, and market your services which are all critical skills to obtain as you move through your career. 

Leadership and Mentorship Skills

Individually coaching athletes allows you to lead and spearhead their development for a particular skill that can further along with their athletic career. Taking charge and accepting feedback can build your confidence as a leader and prepare you for leading projects and individuals in other professions. Further, coaching youth athletes on physical and mental skills to improve their game teaches you how to mentor and motivate others. 

Interested in joining our growing community of current NCAA athletes coaching on CoachUp? Learn more about CoachUp University and how you can get in on the action.

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