Introducing Our 5 Newest Coach Contest Winners!

Introducing Our 5 Newest Coach Contest Winners!

Over the holiday season, CoachUp ran a Coach Contest to help celebrate our wonderful teachers, leaders, and friends. Those that were randomly selected from our wide-range of eligible candidates received an autographed jersey from Stephen Curry! We’re proud to work with these great coaches, so send them some congratulations and check out their profile pages below.

To the rest of our coaches, check out our newest contest and enter to win a meet and greet with Stephen himself!
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David Kaczmarczyk, Baseball
CoachUp Coach since November 2013

Why do clients like working with you?

David: “CoachUp is easily the greatest company I’ve ever worked for. It’s so easy to schedule my clients and the business side of things is already taken care of for me! Clients are found for me and all I need to do is deliver a great lesson. I think that my clients enjoy working with me because I help them love the game of baseball and teach them the excitement of learning the even the most basic of fundamentals. In baseball, you really never stop learning, so why should we stop helping them with that pursuit?”

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Cris Navarro, Basketball
CoachUp Coach since April 2016

What helps you stand out from the pack?

Cris: “The way I see it, I’m innovative and challenging, but my fun workouts are the reason why athletes want to work with me. I’m always studying the game in order to bring my clients the latest tactics, strategies, and equipment that will make our session exciting — and that helps keep our sessions fresh too!”

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Nicolas Hallett, Soccer
CoachUp Coach since June 2015

How do you get potential athletes to learn about your training?

Nicolas: “Many people in the Minneapolis-St. Paul community learn about my services via word of mouth and my experiences coaching in the area, but CoachUp greatly expands my marketing reach by connecting me with clients who wouldn’t otherwise know about me. I also thoroughly enjoy how CoachUp helps me manage payments and supplies new coaching equipment.

I think players enjoy working with me because I’m intense and committed to making them better, but also always maintain a fun and laid-back environment. I’m skilled at getting to know my players on a personal level, thus allowing me to know how best to push them — it’s a big advantage for me!”
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Devon Still, Basketball
CoachUp Coach since June 2015

How do you inspire your athletes?
Devon: “I’ve been told by older teens and college players that the reason they love working with me is because I’m inspirational but, at the same time, real. I’m a strong believer that anything is possible and whoever thinks differently is either in denial or living in a box. Look around you, everything came from just a dream: the internet, cars, skyscrapers, you name it, but with every dream, you have to believe in it or it will never become a reality.
So, I preach and inspire throughout my training sessions to keep their mind focused and on their goal.”
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Adaeze Merah, Basketball
CoachUp Coach since January 2015

How does CoachUp help you connect with your athletes?

Adaeze: “Managing my business is unbelievably easy! The athletes know that I truly care about them and want to make them better. They realize that I really know what I am doing and they get results almost immediately. That’s probably the biggest reason why they keep training with me, it’s a fact I’m quite proud of!”

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