How To Take The Next Step

How To Take The Next Step

If you look at most superstars in any sport and answer this question: what are a few things they all have common? What does somebody like, say, Stephen Curry do that others — across the world and at every level — don’t? Well for starters, they play most of the game. Of course, this ability is due to various reasons, but they’re all equally important things to consider.

A Well-Oiled Machine 
All the best athletes are well-conditioned — and, when you’re guarding them, it often feels like a nightmare marathon. If you can get yourself in the mindset of creating the better athlete, and just not a better basketball player, you’ll see yourself finding more success on the court too.

The Ability to Score
We covered this in my last article, but your ability to score in a variety of ways — ie, you’re not just a three-point shooter or great passer — makes you a more impossible player to sit on the bench. The more ways you can influence and change the game, the more you’ll play it, it’s truly that simple. 

Basketball IQ Skills
The very best players make decisions at the right time, at the right place, with the right people.
 It doesn’t matter if you’re the team’s best scorer if you frequently make poor decisions with the ball. Know who you’re playing with and what your skills can do to enhance theirs. Limit your turnovers and play within your game, believe us, then, the sky’s the limit.

Besides these reasons, there are other factors that allow them to play more minutes or to stay in during critical moments. Let’s admit it, No one likes to be pulled out of the game, especially when they are a main contributor and the game is on the line. To help players who struggle with staying in the game, we have provided simple, but effective, ingredients to getting more playing time:

Limit Your Turnovers
If your turnovers are high, you may want to keep track of your turnovers and understand the root causes. Finding the problem is the initial step at gaining a solution. Do you televise your passes? Do you throw chest passes when you should bounce it? Ask yourself these questions everyday.

Work On Your Game
Gain access to a gym or any safe area to work on your weaknesses or areas that are causing turnovers. Find a trainer to help with a skill evaluation and training plan. In addition, call a teammate or friend to workout together. It is a must that both of you play competitively to simulate game situations!

Execute Your Strengths + Understand All Positions On The Floor
Understand what you can do and do it well during games. Not only that, but understand the strengths and weaknesses of your teammates. This will help to make better situational decisions. 

Shoot High Percentage Shots
High percentage shots will allow you to be a threat and stay in the game when the team needs points. It will also limit the amount of poor scoring games you may encounter and increase your shooting percentage..

Play Defense 
Defense wins games, commit that to memory. This is the most important ingredient! It takes heart, hustle, athleticism, and the ability to understand all positions on the floor. Understanding the X’s and O’s of basketball will allow you to predict the actions of players which, in turn, will lead to better reaction for steals.

Always Be Prepared To Play
Don’t let the feeling of not playing bring you down. Keep a positive attitude and always stay ready. When the coach unexpectedly calls your number, treat that as the moment of opportunity to perform at your highest level

Show Up + Do The Work Others Won’t
Great attendance means a lot for coaches. It shows that you are dedicated and determined even if your play time is at a minimum. Your worth will become even higher when you execute in areas where other players fail short. Coming to practice consistently allows the coach to put more trust your abilities and more likely to call your number during the game. 

If you’d like to put these habits into good practice, check out my profile here. Or, consider signing up for a few of my future clinics! Soon, we’ll work on both shooting and dribbling, so consider giving it a try!

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