Getting Back to Your Fitness Goals after Thanksgiving

If we get together as a family ten times a year, we might choose healthy options on nine of ‘em. But not this holiday. Not Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving, we eat with ‘em. On Thanksgiving, we drink with ‘em. On Thanksgiving, we unbutton that top button because we can! …to paraphrase Olympic Gold Medal Winner, Herb Brooks. Held near and dear in the hearts of millions of Americans, Thanksgiving is an all-day-feast for many of us. If there was ever a national agreed upon “cheat day,” the last Thursday in November would undoubtedly be it. Hey, we’re only human, right? You’re certainly not alone. Check out how much the average American eats on Thanksgiving. Stuffing and pudding and pie – oh my!

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CoachUp won’t judge you. We’ll turn a blind eye when you’re reaching for that inevitable second (third, but who’s counting) slice of Aunt Mary’s family famous pecan pie. And hey, we’ll be there when the crowd clears and the tryptophan subsides, too. When you’re ready to get back on your feet and in the athletic stance, we’ve got just the thing to help you reach your training and fitness goals. CoachUp created The CoachUp Cookbook and partnered with professional food scientist Lauren Fortin to curate delicious recipes to fuel your fitness goals. Want to slim down a few inches around the waist? Check out the Grapefruit & Avocado Salad with Grilled Chicken. Had a big workout and want to recover? Try the Power Pumpkin Pie Smoothie. We have twelve killer recipes that’ll get you on your way to your fitness goals in no time. So download and check it out, because Thanksgiving food repentance can taste a whole lot better than that forgotten bag of half-wilted kale in the back of your fridge. coachup-cookbook-headline

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