CU Team Spotlight: Mike Weisman

After taking the week off for my own interview, I’m excited to be back and chatting with another one of our new hires, Mike Weisman. Mike is one of our newest Customer Experience Team Members and he’s been helping Coach Rob out with some really exciting projects over the last few months. If you’ve ever wondered what goes on behind-the-scenes at CoachUp, wonder no longer! These interviews aim to give you all a special look at our team’s skills, passions, and abilities — also, now if you see Mike on the street, you can ask him for an autograph!

CoachUp: Hey, Mike! Tell us a little bit about yourself

Mike Weisman: I grew up in North Andover, MA and graduated from North Andover High School. From there, I went on to attend Columbia University and majored in Political Science, graduating in 2015. I enjoyed life in New York, but I have really strong ties to the Boston area so I returned home after graduating. Throughout my life, I’ve always had a strong passion for athletics, regardless of the sport, but I played baseball at Columbia all four years.

CU: Wow, so you went from one CU to another CU — what’re the odds?! What’s your position at CoachUp and how long have you been here?

MW: In the office, you can find me with the Customer Experience Team where I started as an Intern two months ago before recently accepting CoachUp’s full-time offer. Mike-Final

CU: What drove you to join CoachUp? Why?

MW: Short and sweet, many of the greatest influences in my life have been coaches, so being able to facilitate those types of relationships at CoachUp truly is the perfect job for me.

mikeCU: What’s your experience with sports — playing, spectating, coaching, etc?

MW: Through my early life, I played football, basketball and baseball on teams and whenever I could during my free time. Ultimately, I was lucky enough to continue to playing baseball in college at Columbia as one of those rare left-handed pitchers.

CU: What’s your favorite sports memory? Whether that’s played or experienced, that’s up to you!

MW: Winning our third straight Ivy League Championship… can you say #dynasty?

CU: Who is your favorite athlete of all-time? How do they inspire you?

MW: That’s an incredibly tough one, but I’d have to go with the recent Hall of Fame Inductee, Pedro Martinez. I was lucky enough to grow up as a baseball player when Pedro was dealing some of the best individual pitching seasons in MLB History. I’ve never seen a player captivate an entire stadium so easily. It’s hard not to love his competitiveness on the field and his playful demeanor off of it.

CU: Who in the office would you want by your side in a 2-on-2 basketball game + why?

MW: I’ve gotta go with Brandon again, just like Jess, but not just because he’s got a pro record on his side, either. BBall’s more of a facilitator and I’m just a pure scorer so it’s a natural fit for us to dominate on the court with. Big thanks to Mike for giving us a few minutes and answering our questions! We’re looking forward to you crushing many more months here at CoachUp and welcome to the team! We’ll be back next week to meet another one of our new hires, Dan — so stay tuned!

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