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CoachUp Laughs in The Face of Danger—Swims with Sharks at FutureM

CoachUp Laughs in The Face of Danger—Swims with Sharks at FutureM

Today is the day we show how tough we are, load our spear gun and go swimming with sharks! CoachUp was recently selected to participate in the Boston Shark Tank, an event modeled after the popular ABC television show. The event is part of FutureM, so if you’ll be at the conference we encourage you to check it out (you’ll need a FutureM ticket to attend). The Boston Shark Tank was conceived by BzzAgent and will be held from 4-6 PM at the Microsoft NERD Center.

We will be one of 6 companies giving a 4-minute pitch to several high profile angel investors, and the chance to cut a deal for up to $100k in funding. Jordan, our fearless leader, will be giving the pitch, and if he does half as good a job as he did at the MassChallenge Awards two nights ago, they’ll all be begging to be a part of the CoachUp revolution. We will be joined by one other TechStars company, NBD Technology, as well as five other promising young startups: Arcbazar, Jebbit, Sidewalk and Timbre (see Boston.com article for company descriptions). If you can’t make it, you should definitely come to the “Shark Filet Show” after party being hosted at Firebrand Saints—look forward to seeing you there!

A glimpse into the near future:
Our friends and fellow MassChallenge company ZoomTilt made an awesome video in anticipation of CoachUp’s domination, featuring outstanding performances by Localytics CEO Raj Aggarwal, BzzAgent CEO Dave Balter, KARMALOOP.com CEO Greg Selkoe (& Mr. Serge), MassChallenge CEO John Harthorne, and Wayfair co-founder Steve Conine. 

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