Tom Wilson is a gold rated fitness instructor and one of CoachUp’s finest personal trainers. He has been on the platform for several years, but has recently become far more active in his Northern New York state neighborhood. Tom lives in an area where extreme winter weather takes hold for months at a time, and that factor has helped to shape his philosophy as a personal trainer. Calisthenics—bodyweight exercises that can be done anywhere—are a core principal of his workout plans, and each of his clients starts out with a versatile bodyweight program.
Tom’s motivation to become a personal trainer was driven by the influence of two of his heroes. Firstly his father who worked a physically demanding job, but always made time to play soccer or go running with his son after a hard day’s work. Secondly is Jack LaLanne. Tom recalls his mother watching LaLanne’s TV show, dedicated to exercise and fitness, and being enthralled with his practice at a young age. LaLanne reemerged for Tom while he was conducting research for an assignment in pursuit of his Master’s Degree. That deep research led to a further understanding and appreciation for LaLanne’s approach to personal training.
Tom Wilson fitness is based heavily in bodyweight exercise
Tom believes that anyone can train and improve their body composition and fitness level. Everyone starts their fitness journey at a different point, but can benefit from instruction like Tom’s. Many trainers and gym-goes discount the value of bodyweight movements, often perceiving them as a lesser form of working out. Keeping in mind the goals of his clients, Tom helps to determine a path to achieving goals through calisthenics. Bodyweight exercises are not perfect for all athletic applications, but they teach body control through the use of stabilizer muscles; a benefit for any and all athlete’s in their pursuit of improvement.

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