Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

No equipment? No problem! One of the biggest misconceptions about exercising is that you NEED a gym. All you really need is a little space and some motivation. Bodyweight exercises can help increase muscle tone and strength, improve joint function, and increase your overall health and fitness.

The biggest advantage to bodyweight exercises is convenience. In today’s world, we’re all so busy that it’s easy to lower your priorities on fitness. Typically, people want results quickly without having to sacrifice too much time to get them. With bodyweight exercises, there’s no longer an excuse to be a couch potato. In fact, you can march your butt right over to that comfy couch and use it as a piece of equipment.

Bodyweight exercises are convenient and easy to do

You can kick off your new, healthy lifestyle right from your own living room. With in-home bodyweight exercises, the benefits are endless, easy, and convenient. Of course, there are certainly benefits to use dedicated machines or getting personal instruction, but who can beat using your couch for split squats and then crashing on it right afterwards? To help with your transition to these everyday exercises, here are some of CoachUp’s favorite bodyweight workouts to incorporate into your in-home training session:

  • Jumping Jacks — 30 reps
  • Squats — 10 reps (Try split squats for an added challenge!)
  • Lunges –20 reps, alternating legs
  • Mountain climbers — 20 reps
  • Planks — middle, right, and left, 1 – 30 seconds, rest + repeat (Once this becomes easy, increase to your length, keep challenging yourself!)
  • Dips –10 reps
  • Push-ups –10 reps

Beginners should do three sets of this total bodyweight workout, which basically means progressing from jumping jacks all the way through to push-ups, and then starting over again.

It won’t be easy at first, but that’s expected. Over time, your body will get used to the workouts and, eventually, excel at them.

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to get a total body workout because they involve many different muscle groups. Additionally, you can always add dumbbells or ankle weights for an added challenge! These workouts are also a great way to improve your core strength, leading to better posture and greater athletic performance.

(Related: Read about the importance of stretching after a workout here.)

bodyweight exercises

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