New Feature: Add Session Locations

  1. Visit the “Session Locations” tab in your dashboard.
  2. If this is your first time adding a location, click the link that says “Create one now.”
  3. Enter the facility name, along with the city and state, in the space below “Location name and city.”

Add a location

  1. Choose your facility location from the auto-suggestion list that appears when you begin typing.
  2. Once your location is selected, click the blue “Save” button.

Location not showing up in the suggestion list?

If you’ve typed an address that is not recognized or does not show up in the list of suggestions, you can still add the location name and address. Here’s how:

  1. Below the map on the “New Session Location” page, click on “Add a custom location.”
  2. Enter the name (if available) and address of the facility, followed by the city and state on the next line. Be sure to select the city and state from the auto-suggestion list that appears when you begin typing.
  3. Double check the information you have entered and click the blue “Save” button.

Add a Custom Location

Added a location? Here’s what’s next…

When you schedule a session (from the “Sessions” tab in your dashboard), you’ll have the option to select one of the locations you’ve added. CoachUp will send a calendar reminder to both you and the client that specifies the location you’ve selected.

Scheduling a session

Coming soon: When a client books sessions with you, they’ll have the option to select a facility from the location options that you have provided.

Need to edit or remove a location?

You can edit or remove a location at any time. Just visit the “Session Locations” tab in your dashboard and click “Remove” next to any of your saved locations.

Edit or remove a location

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