Marathon Training Tips

Fall weather makes it a great time of the year to start training for a marathon. Whether you’re thinking of trying your first marathon or you’re a seasoned pro training for marathon number five – these 10 tips will help make your training an enjoyable success. CoachUp’s Mick Grant shared his top 10 pieces of advice he gives his clients. Here’s a preview:

  • Have fun
  • Stay healthy
  • Get a coach
  • Be consistent
  • Gradually build miles
  • Develop a long run
  • Practice even and negative split running
  • Practice hydrating and fueling
  • Build base, learn pace, execute race
  • Taper

You can read his tips in detail here. For three ways to run more efficiently and the top three mistakes people make in running training, we’ve got your back there too! Above all else, have fun and give yourself a pat on the back for pushing your training to Another Level!

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