CoachUp Announces 2nd Annual Scholarship Program

Boston, MA, February 18th 2013 – CoachUp, the country’s leading private coaching company, has announced that it will begin accepting applications for its 2nd annual scholarship program.  The scholarship program directly supports the company mission, to change the trajectory of kids’ lives through sport. Students nationwide, that have participated in sports and have been accepted into, or are currently enrolled in a US college or university, are eligible to apply.  CoachUp will award 3 student scholarships in the amount of $2,000 cash for school, plus $500 toward private coaching sessions through CoachUp.

CoachUp has made several changes to the scholarship program.  Students are now able to apply for one of the scholarships with a general application.  To be considered students must complete an online application and submit a personal reference, a short essay and a 1 minute video essay. Merit demonstrated by the student’s essay, personal reference, and application, will be the basis for the awards.

This year video is required, and video  views will be factored into the evaluation process, as well.  Crowd support in the form of video views from friends, family, and supporters will now account for a portion of the scholarship award evaluation.  Students are encouraged to share their story to spark both conversation and sharing of their video application.   CoachUp will highlight trending videos throughout the voting period.

Details and the digital application can be found here at:

Applications can be submitted starting on Monday February 17th, 2014  and must be received by Sunday, May 6th, 2014, by midnight PT, to be considered. CoachUp will post all application videos on  Online video sharing and viewing will begin Tuesday, May 6th 2014 and end on Sunday, June 1st 2014.  Winners will be announced on the CoachUp blog on Tuesday, June 9th 2014.

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