Running Tips: How to have a Dynamic Warmup

CoachUp Coach and New Balance Boston Athlete Joanna Murphy teaches how to increase range of motion and prepare the body to stabilize with a dynamic warmup.

Running Tips: How have a Dynamic Warmup Hi, I’m Joanna Murphy, I’m a New Balance Boston athlete and CoachUp coach. And these, are Dynamic Warm Up Exercises. The goal of these running exercises is to increase the range motion and prime the body to stabilize through the running gait. The first exercise is gonna start by balancing on one foot and we’re gonna reach down towards the bottom foot here. And as we come back up we’re gonna engage the glutes to facilitate that process and propel you into the next step. The next exercise is to focus on increasing mobility through the hips. And we’re gonna pretend that there’s an imaginary hurdle here and we’re just gonna step over the hurdle and then step under the hurdle.

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